Scorecard assessors are home energy efficiency experts who assess the comfort and energy costs of a home, and make tailored improvement recommendations. Assessors might work directly with the householder, rental provider or with a builder, architect or organisation.

Householders are often confused by the wide range of upgrade options: should they install ceiling insulation, change the hot water heater or install solar PV panels? Will one of these fix the problem, or a combination? It's different for every home. This is where the Scorecard assessor is most helpful. Combining the Scorecard certificate data with your extensive knowledge of home energy upgrades ensures that any changes made by the householder will reach their goals, and be in budget.

Only accredited Scorecard assessors can deliver assessments and create certificates. A high level of skill and experience is required to undertake any accurate home energy assessment. A pilot of the Scorecard found that assessors with little training often made significant errors affecting the accuracy of the rating and recommended upgrades, as well as the overall consumer experience. This is why there are 6 ways to enter the accreditation program, as these streams demonstrate a high standard of knowledge as home energy assessors. If you are new to the industry or don't have relevant experience then Stream 1 is right for you. Information about other streams can be found here.

There are many benefits to being a Scorecard assessor

  • All Scorecard assessors can work across Australia, as it is a national accreditation.
  • You can work for yourself, or for an organisation.
  • Choose your work hours, and be as flexible as you need.
  • Support is available including: mentor opportunities, free ongoing access to our assessor helpdesk, marketing materials, and more.
  • There is no cost for the Scorecard software training or exams (although this may change in the future).
  • Home energy assessments is a growth industry.
  • You can be sure your work is making a positive impact on people’s lives, and the planet.

Scorecard assessor Rebecca Boyle holds her cat, with text over the top of the image: 'Being a Scorecard assessor is a good job for women with young children. It's flexible, and the time commitment is in small chunks, so it's easy to fit in your available time.

Dr Rebecca Boyle has been a home energy assessor in Tasmania since 2009, and a Scorecard assessor since 2019. She loves helping people to reduce their energy costs and be more comfortable in their homes.

'Being a Scorecard assessor is a good job for women with young children. It's flexible, and the time commitment is in small chunks, so it's easy to fit in your available time.'

Scorecard assessors can use their skills in different ways

Assessing an existing home

Combining the Scorecard certificate data with your extensive knowledge of home energy upgrades ensures that any changes made by the householder will reach their goals. Some homes need more than one change, and it can be tricky for householders to know where to begin. Helping householders to prioritise these upgrades leads to great outcomes.

This is the process for assessing a home:

  • The Scorecard assessor visits a home
  • Discuss the householder’s goals and needs
  • The assessor walks through the home, entering data into the Scorecard software
  • The software creates the Scorecard certificate
  • The assessor discusses the results and opportunities for improvement with the householder.

Working with builders, architects and renovators

Scorecard assessors can work with builders, architects and householders when planning a renovation or new build. The Scorecard software can be used to show different options, so the householder can easily see the outcome when changing elements in the plans. Some architects and builders find Scorecard so helpful, they have become assessors themselves. This enhances the experience for their customers, and creates an additional revenue stream for their business.

Additional services

Some Scorecard assessors provide additional services for extra fees such as:

  • coordinating trades or delivering upgrades
  • updating the Scorecard certificate after upgrades have been completed
  • blower door testing or
  • thermal camera imaging.

There are many things I love about being a Scorecard assessor.  

Often at the start of a site visit they are a bit uncertain, but by the end they have learned more than expected and now have a much better understanding of what changes they want to make.

There's a huge sense of satisfaction with helping people get a handle on their home comfort and energy use.

- Lucinda, Scorecard assessor

Lucinda is smiling and has curly hair

Page last updated: 08/06/23