In 2022 the median sale price of energy efficient homes has a price premium of $125,000. Source: Domain Sustainability report, 2022.

Scorecard provides an excellent resource to help in the sale, purchase and rental of residential properties. A Scorecard rating can help vendors and rental providers attract higher prices and long-term tenants as more and more people want to live in an energy efficient and comfortable home.

Vendors can capitalise on buyer interest in energy efficiency by featuring their Scorecard star and comfort rating in their marketing.

Buyers can complete a pre-sale Scorecard assessment to verify any energy efficiency claims, in the same way that they would complete a building or pest inspection.

Rental providers can advertise the comfort and energy efficiency of their rental property by including their Scorecard rating in all marketing. This will set your property apart and attract tenants, as everyone wants to live in a comfortable, cheaper to run home.

The assessment is a one-off cost and can be used for advertising the rental property over a number of years and tenants until a significant change occurs to the property that would change the star and comfort ratings.

Purchasers and renters can have an assessment completed that will show them how comfortable the house is to live in, as well as what upgrades could be undertaken to improve the efficiency and comfort of the home. It’s much like getting a building inspection before you sign on the dotted line: it helps to understand what you’re getting into.

Val and Barry's story

Val and Barry were selling their home of 30 years, an energy efficient mud brick home built in the 1980s. To prove their home’s energy credentials, Val and Barry had their home assessed using Scorecard.

The result was an 8-star rating that was used in their open for inspection and marketing. There was so much interest in this new way of marketing, the local paper wrote a front-page article on the house and its features.

Scorecard for Real Estate

A Scorecard energy efficiency assessment offers an objective way to show case the energy efficient credentials of a home on the Real Estate market.

Scorecard can help when buying

Scorecard can help when selling

Learn more

For more information about how Scorecard can help, download the Scorecard for real estate fact sheet.

Please contact the team to request an accessible version of this factsheet:

Page last updated: 10/05/23