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Interested in using the Scorecard in a policy or project?

The Residential Efficiency Scorecard is funded by all Australian governments and delivered on their behalf by the Victorian government. This means government accredits Scorecard assessors, audits them, and delivers the Scorecard home assessment software tool they use.

Scorecard seeks to provide community benefits across Australia by delivering robust and consistent home energy ratings to reduce home energy use and cost, carbon emissions and improve comfort and health.

We know what gets measured gets managed

By using the Scorecard, projects can benefit from this nationally consistent, robust and trusted approach to measuring and improving home energy performance. The Scorecard measures home energy cost, carbon emissions and performance in hot and cold weather, and provides options to improve these ratings.

Using the Scorecard means a project has access to trained, accredited and audited home energy assessors across Australia and a standard endorsed approach to home energy ratings. All project information is securely held on a privacy protected database allowing projects to easily manage their data. The Scorecard delivers quality controls and capacity building for assessors.

Projects using Scorecard builds our knowledge of what works

Scorecard aims to publish and share information so that future projects can benefit. Our website provides case studies of the ways businesses, governments, banks and community groups use the Scorecard.

The Scorecard team may be able to provide support

Where projects align with Scorecard objectives, the Scorecard team can provide some support.
For example, projects that target:

  • Building or testing a national or local market for Scorecard assessments and accredited assessors
  • Mass uptake, large scale or targeted community benefit from Scorecard assessments
  • Access for vulnerable or hard-to-reach households to Scorecard assessments
  • Government, community and business projects using Scorecard assessments
  • public benefit research projects and sharing and learning from Scorecard assessments
  • extending the scope of the Scorecard to improve community outcomes.

Scorecard team support may include:

  • Finding assessors in your location, or supporting more to be accredited
  • Helping design projects that work
  • Analysing your Scorecard data
  • Working with you to make the Scorecard fit your project better.

Get in touch! Scorecard prioritises requests for support, with each considered on individual merit. In requesting support, please clarify what your project is intending to achieve and how it supports Scorecard objectives, and we will get back to you. Please email the team at: scorecard@deeca.vic.gov.au

Scorecard data application form

Please take some time to review all the information on this page prior to completing and submitting the Scorecard data application form.

Page last updated: 01/08/24