On this page:
The Scorecard logo captures a range of home energy sources, interwoven with a home icon. The sun represents solar, the plug represents electricity, the flame represents gas or wood flames, and the star represents the Scorecard star rating.
This logo was developed through stakeholder and community consultation to ensure it is reflective of the Scorecard program.
Your logo and ours
When considering the use of your organisation’s logo alongside the Scorecard logo, it is important to remember these usage guidelines.
If you aren’t sure whether your drafted design meets our usage guidelines, please send the draft and your questions to: scorecard@deeca.vic.gov.au. We are always happy to provide guidance.
Dos and don'ts
It is important that the logo is applied consistently. It should not be redrawn, digitally manipulated or altered in any way. The logo should never be obscured, distorted, rotated or cropped.
Clear space rule
To maintain the clarity and integrity of all logos, a minimum ‘clear space’ must be observed in all applications. Clear space creates an invisible frame around the logo.This is a minimum area surrounding the logo. The logo must remain free of any conflicting visual elements. Wherever possible, apply additional clear space beyond the minimum requirement.
Minimum sizes
Minimum size specifications are provided to ensure logos and explanatory text are reproduced effectively at a small size. Minimum size specifications must be observed in all applications. If the reproduction quality may not be high, the logos and explanatory text must be used in a larger than minimum size.
Scorecard assessors and organisations delivering assessments
It is important to be clear that you are a private organisation delivering Scorecard assessments, and do not represent the Victorian Government or other Australian State and Territory governments. This is shown by including disclaimer text alongside the use of the Scorecard logo.
There are two options
- Use the ‘lockup’ version of the logo, as this includes the disclaimer in the image. Information about the logo lockup can be found below.
- Use a standard Scorecard logo and include in a relevant section of the item the following disclaimer text unaltered:
Private organisations deliver Scorecard assessments and do not represent the Victorian Government or other Australian State and Territory governments. For more information visit: www.homescorecard.gov.au
Examples of using the standard Scorecard logo and disclaimer text
Website: a standard Scorecard logo could be used on your Scorecard services web page with the disclaimer text included on the same page in a comfortably readable format.
Printed flyers: a standard Scorecard logo could be used with the disclaimer text included on the flyer in a readable format.
Scorecard logo lockup
A ‘lockup’ is when two or more elements have been combined in an image file and cannot be altered. In this case, it is the Scorecard logo and disclaimer text that has been locked in the image file.
The purpose of this lockup is to demonstrate that private organisations deliver Scorecard assessments and do not represent the government.

Print or digital
The download pack includes versions of the Scorecard logos for both printed materials as well as digital use.
For the best outcome, ensure you use:
- the CMYK version for printed materials such as flyers and brochures, and
- the RBG versions for digital platforms, including websites and email marketing.
‘Residential Efficiency Scorecard’ and the Scorecard logo have been trademarked by the Victorian Government. It is not permitted to register or attempt to register, or use as a trademark, business or company name, email address, phone number or domain name, the Scorecard branding, or any device or word substantially identical with or deceptively similar to any of the Scorecard branding.
There are two other sections to these Brand Guidelines:
Download Scorecard resources
Complete our online form to receive an email with the resource download links and other associated communications about the program.
Page last updated: 01/08/24